BC 1000XL Wood Chipper RentalJanae Peterson2023-07-27T06:37:42-07:00 BC 1000XL Wood Chipper RentalCategory: Tree Care Equipment, Lawn and Garden Equipment Length: 198″Width: 66.5″Height: 101″Weight: 4,995 lbsTongue Weight: 600 lbsMaterial Capacity: Up to 12″ DiameterChute Rotation: 270°Ball Size: 2-5/16"Rental Request Form Please Note: This is not an official reservation. This is a request only to inquire about availability on the date needed. Company Name:First & Last Name: *Phone: *Email: *Date Needed:Rental Duration:Delivery Location (if needed):Ball/Hitch Needed? *YesNoREQUEST